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EBC² Equine Business Coaching

Equine Assisted Business Coaching

From Business Coaching to Equine Assisted Business Coaching ... a small step with a big impact ...

As business coaches we want to go a step further, we support our executive coaching through both the active use of horses and our experience of working with horses. Any prior knowledge of or experience with horses is not necessary at all. We only work in hand with horses. Our sessions can take place at our facilities or on location.

A question we often receive is how horses can contribute to a better performance as a manager or a leader. Our concept is mainly based on two pillars:

First of all, we use the horse as a mirror to get to know ourselves better: How do I really feel? How do I respond non-verbally to certain situations? What is my intrinsic leadership style? What is my personality typology? How do I behave in a team? What role do I spontaneously take on in a team? Getting to know yourself better and accepting how you deal with challenges, obstacles, stress, ... is the basis on which we can work together. Horses are masters in making clear to us the signals that we send out to our environment and of which we as humans are not aware at all. They pick up these signals flawlessly and respond to them without any filter, so that they hold up the conscious mirror to us. Our posture, our movements, our mental attitude, our way of speaking, ... provoke a reaction from the horse whereby we are confronted with our inner feelings and the influence they have on our behaviour.

Elfriede Berger

Thanks to our contacts with various top athletes, we can not only offer your organization an educational experience, but also provide a spectacular and unique experience.

Elfriede Berger
Business Coach

The reason why horses can do this is mainly based on a number of elements that go back to the origins of the horse: horses are prey animals that show a natural flight behaviour in danger and they naturally live in a social herd with a very strong hierarchy. We humans are predators and it is precisely the tension that this creates between horse and humans that offers us the unique opportunity to use the horse as a co-coach. Despite the fact that the horse has been domesticated over the centuries, it has managed to retain these intrinsic qualities so important to the survival of its species.

The second part of our approach is situated in the field of leadership development. In our TEAMS approach (Transformational Equine Assisted Management Skills) we integrate the parallels that we can draw from working with horses in the driving sport and the challenges you have as a leader.

You will be amazed how strongly the comparison is with driving. After all, modern leadership is about giving and receiving trust, letting your team shine by letting them develop their talents and providing the best possible support.

As a leader, you are the coach of your team, consisting of different individuals, who must do everything in their power to make them function as well as possible.

Cooperation and cohesion, driven by a common goal, are therefore key concepts. We will work together so that you earn the trust of your team.

EBC² Jan Timmerman en Elfriede Berger

As a coach, we are also your confidential sounding board. Everyone needs to be able to tell their story and share their concerns. As a manager this is not always possible within the own organization. Building on our approach, we regularly go for a drive with the horses to have in-depth coaching conversations in nature, we call these “Coaching on the coach” sessions. The calming environment and the unity with the horses provide an ideal setting.

Jan Timmerman

After all, modern leadership is about giving and receiving trust, letting your team shine by letting them develop their talents and providing the best possible support.

Jan Timmerman
Business Coach

Each coaching process is unique and adapted to the specific needs of the client. Before starting a process, we always invite you for an introductory meeting in which we will listen to you and decide together how we can best meet your expectations. We only start a project once we have established a good report.

Building on our individual coaching approach, we can offer team sessions within the same philosophy, and this for both short and long term projects. Team building sessions are also available. Thanks to our contacts with various top athletes, we can offer your organization not only an educational experience, but also provide a spectacular and unique experience.