From Business Coaching to Equine Assisted Business Coaching ... a small step with a big impact ...
As business coaches we want to go a step further, we support our executive coaching through both the active use of horses and our experience of working with horses.
Any prior knowledge of or experience with horses is not necessary at all. We only work in hand with horses. Our sessions can take place at our facilities or on location.
A question we often receive is how horses can contribute to a better performance as a manager or a leader. Our concept is mainly based on two pillars:
First of all, we use the horse as a mirror to get to know ourselves better: How do I really feel? How do I respond non-verbally to certain situations? What is my intrinsic leadership style? What is my personality typology? How do I behave in a team? What role do I spontaneously take on in a team? Getting to know yourself better and accepting how you deal with challenges, obstacles, stress, ... is the basis on which we can work together. Horses are masters in making clear to us the signals that we send out to our environment and of which we as humans are not aware at all. They pick up these signals flawlessly and respond to them without any filter, so that they hold up the conscious mirror to us. Our posture, our movements, our mental attitude, our way of speaking, ... provoke a reaction from the horse whereby we are confronted with our inner feelings and the influence they have on our behaviour.